The basic steps for adding a PW are:

1. Click on State Menu

2. Select Applicant. If no Applicant exists, add new Applicant

3. Click on Program Menu

4. Select Program. If no Program exists, add new Program

5. Click on Grants Menu

6. Click green Add PW


1. Click on State Menu


2. Select the Applicant



A pop-up window will appear. Click the blue Select this Applicant button.




3. Select the Program


Confirm the Program by clicking the blue Confirm button.


4. Click on the Grants Menu



5. Click on the green Add PW button



6. There are five tabs in the Project Worksheet section. The information to complete this section comes from FEMA Form 90-91. You don't have to complete each section at this point. You will need to add some information to the General Information sheet.





Once you have completed the General Information page, you may scroll to the bottom and either select the gray Save and Stay on Page button, if you wish to continue editing the PW, or the blue Save button, if you are done.


Save and Stay allows you to edit other sections of the PW.


The blue Save button will take you back to the Grants menu, which will now include the option to add Transaction, Documents, and other information relevant to the grant.