2. From the Grant’s Menu, select Virtual Binder.


4. You will likely find this empty, in which case, you will click the Blue Copy Template button.



3. The first time you copy the template, you should first click on the drop down menu,


then scroll to the bottom and select the last template. (They all look the same, but the bottom one is the original and includes all the appropriate binder items according to New England requirements.)



4. This template can be customized for your regional requirements by doing the following:

a. Click the edit pencil.


 b. Scroll to the Edit Outline section.


c. From here, if there are items you don’t need, you can delete them. Clicking on the folder next the item will open this screen.


You can edit the item or delete the item from this window.


d. If you wish to add an item, click the Green Add Outline Item button.


This will open a window for you to create the new item under a Parent Item. A note about the order field- the parent item will provide the whole number and the order field will provide the decimal. It is not necessary to write the number of the parent item in the order field. (For example, 1= Parent Item, 2=sub-item. By putting the number 2 in the order field, it will generate a 1.2 on the Outline Template) Be sure to Save before closing the window.


5. Once you have added and deleted Outline Items so that it reflects the requirements of your region, scroll back to the top of the page and rename the template for your purposes. You can also add a description and any other relevant information. When you click save, this will create the template so that it is now available as a template for all your PWs. You won’t have to recreate it each time.

6. Now that you have your customized template, you can begin the process of reviewing the documents and creating your printable Closeout Binder. Click again on the edit pencil next to your template. Then scroll down on the screen and click on the Document Scorecard.

a. if there is a 0 in the docs included portion, but there do exist candidate documents---you have to click the paperclip to attach which document you would like to include.


b. The as-is report is the "table of contents"

c. The bind and download works to bind together all the included docs. From this screen, you can download and print the Closeout Documents. You can download in zip or PDF format. If the PDF is a huge file, it won’t be emailable, but a zip might be!