The procurement policy self-assessment is accessed by clicking Policy Self-Assessment in the Applicant Menu.


Select Policy Self-Assessment from Applicant Menu

Click Edit pencil

  • Provide a shorthand title for the assessment
  • Provide a narrative of your assessment
  • Identify the policy that you are assessing. Provide document name and/or formal citation for the document
  • Complete other fields as able
  • Click Save


To complete the Procurement Self-Assessment

Scroll to Groups to view the Federal Procurement Codes and complete an Assessment for how your State/Municipal Procurement Policy compares to each. This section is designed so that you may complete each section independently of another. You may, if you like, answer all compliance questions in one sitting or, take several sessions to complete this. There are a total of 11 Codes and 76 Questions.

Be sure to have your Organization's Procurement plan at hand so that you can compare those with the Federal plan. You will want to be able to copy and paste 

Scroll to Groups

Click the edit pencil next to the section you will assess. This will open up the Assessment


  • Double click in each box to add information 
    • Score- select from the drop-down menu
    • Compliance Narrative- you may copy and paste the text from your State/Municipal Procurement Policy
    • Compliance Citation- you may copy and paste the citation from your State/Municipal Procurement Policy
    • Compliance Notes- type additional comments into this box
  • Click Save before moving on to the next item to score
  • Click Return to go back to the Groups View.


To view the requirements for specific procurement regulations, click the eye icon. It will open a pop-up window or take you directly to