Using Tempest Gems for the RPA Process

This process takes the applicant through a step-by-step “wizard” that captures information normally required on an RPA form (Request for Public Assistance - FF 90-049) such as:

• Applicant name and address

• FIPS (required)

• Primary and Alternate Contact information

• And a Tempest-GEMS “administrator” email address and name



Once all information has been entered and confirmed as correct, click the Next button at the bottom right of the page.

This saves the information and generates the digital version of the RPA (as a PDF document).

There is a Download RPA button where the user can download the RPA to review the data.

Once the RPA has been downloaded, click the Next button.


On the final page of the RPA Process, click the Upload Signed RPA button to upload the signed document. Then, adjust the request status to Submitted, and click Submit RPA.

Once submitted, the system will send the applicant an email confirming the RPA and provide them a PDF of their form.

The system will put the RPA in the review queue for the state.